





​​1.Daughter of the Sea Scene 1 Sea Palace Grandma: Finally, you're back! How's the shopping on the ground? Little Mermaid: Well, the supermarket is really fantastic! Let's see what I've got… This is the fried fish, and this is the spicy hamburger from McDonald, and here, (holding the tape-recorder) WOW! Hi-tech pro ct! Grandma: Cool, and we won't worry about our dinner today. What's more, did you see anything unusual there? Little Mermaid: Sure! The storm came and a ship was nearly destroyed! Grandma: Well, that's commonplace. Go and swim with your sisters now! Little Mermaid: Thanks, grandma. Scene 2 Seashore (Narrate: Little mermaid doesn't tell Grandma more about the ship. She also saw the people who drowned in the sea. Among them there was a handsome young man with big blue eyes and curl hair. Little Mermaid soon fell in love with him, and saved him by sending him to the seashore) Little Mermaid (dragging the prince): He's sure heavy! (Throwing the prince onto the shore) (A woman comes along, and Little Mermaid hides herself behind a board, which reads” You can't see me”. The prince wakes up) Woman: Oh! You're alive! Prince: Sure am I! You saved me? Woman: Come on, this way! (Prince goes away, and Little Mermaid puts the board down, sits still, sadly) ( ck Ugly passes by) ck Ugly: Badibadidibadidibadididido…(knocks into Little Mermaid) Oh! Sorry. Little Mermaid: Why are you so happy, ck Ugly? ck Ugly: Because I'm going to the clinic of the Sea Wizard! He's gonna turn me into a beautiful goose! Little Mermaid: That's wonderful! How can I contact him? ck Ugly: You may call 5643456 at any time of the day. Also you can visit his private website, and the IP address is wizard. Scene 3 At the Wizard's Little Mermaid: Excuse me, but is this Sea Wizard's house?











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