






​​2.是谁杀了知更鸟? 麻雀说,是我, 用我的弓和箭, 我杀了知更鸟。 谁看见他死去? 苍蝇说,是我, 用我的小眼睛, 我看见他死去。 谁拿走他的血? 鱼说,是我, 用我的小碟子, 我拿走他的血。 谁为他做寿衣? 甲虫说,是我, 用我的针和线, 我会来做寿衣。 谁要挖坟墓? 猫头鹰说,是我, 用我的凿子铲子, 我会来挖坟墓。 谁要当牧师? 白嘴鸦说,是我, 用我的小本子, 我会来做牧师。 谁要当办事员? 云雀说,是我, 只要不在夜晚, 我就当办事员。 谁会带火炬? 红雀说,是我, 我立刻把它拿来。 我将会带火炬。 谁要当主祭? 鸽子说,是我, 我要哀悼我的爱, 我将会当主祭。 谁要抬棺? 鸢说,是我, 如果不走夜路, 我就会来抬棺。 谁提供柩布? 鹪鹩,与公鸡和母鸡说,是我们, 我们将提供柩布。 谁来唱赞美诗? 站在灌木丛上,画眉说,是我, 我将唱赞美诗。 谁来敲丧钟? 牛说,是我, 因为我能拉犁。 所以,再会了,知更鸟。 空中所有的鸟, 全都叹息哭泣, 当他们听见丧钟, 为可怜的知更鸟响起。 启事:通告所有关系人, 这则启事通知, 下回鸟儿法庭,将要审判麻雀 Who killed Cock Robin Who killed Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin. Who saw him die? I, said the Fly. With my little eye, I saw him die. Who caught his blood? I, said the Fish, With my little dish, I caught his blood. Who'll make his shroud? I , said the Beetle, With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud. Who'll dig his grave? I, said the Owl, With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave. Who'll be the person? I, said the Rook, With my little book, I'll be the parson. Who'll be the clerk? I, said the Lark, If it's not in the dark, I'll be the clerk. Who'll carry the link? I, said the Linnet, I'll fetch it in a minute, I'll carry the link. Who'll be chief mourner? I, said the Dove, I mourn for my love, I'll be chief mourner. Who'll carry the coffin? I, said the Kite, If it's not through the night, I'll carry the coffin. Who'll bear the pall? We, said the Wren, Both the cock and the hen, We'll bear the pall. Who'll sing a psalm? I, said the Thrush, As she sat on a bush, I'll sing a psalm. Who'll toll the bell? I, said the Bull, Because I can pull, So Cock Robin, farewell. All the birds of the air Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing, When they heard the bell toll For poor Cock Robin. NOTICE:l it concerns, This notice apprises, The Sparrow's for trial, At next bird assiz …… 我只能提供音乐版的歌词,其他的无能为力。












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